pigging: Producing pigs. Efficient pigging practices improve productivity and meet market demands for pork products.
Mothers and Motherhood in Rural Settings
The decline in soil quality and productivity due to erosion, compaction, contamination, and other factors. Soil degradation can result from unsustainable farming practices and environmental pressures. For example, implementing conservation practices to prevent soil degradation and support sustainable agriculture.
ovum: A female egg cell which, when fertilised by a spermatozoon, begins to develop into an embryo. Managing ova is crucial for optimizing breeding programs and reproductive efficiency in livestock. Farmers can benefit from understanding reproductive biology and implementing best practices in breeding management to enhance productivity.
milker: 1. a cow which is giving milk 2. a cow which is kept for milk 3. a farmworker who supervises the milking of cows 4. the part of the milking machine which is attached to the cows teats with teat cups. Proper management of milkers can ensure better milk yield and quality, contributing to farm profitability and sustainability.
genetic code: The information carried by an organisms DNA which determines the synthesis of proteins by cells and which is passed on when the cell divides. Also called genetic information. Understanding the genetic code is essential for genetic engineering and breeding programs.
Devices used to break down organic waste, such as manure, through anaerobic digestion to produce biogas. For example, installing dairy digesters to convert manure into biogas and reduce waste.