Carotene: An orange or red pigment in carrots, egg yolk, and some natural oils, converted by the liver into vitamin A. Managing carotene intake in livestock diets ensures they receive adequate vitamin A for healthy growth and reproduction.
Mothers and Motherhood in Rural Settings
suffrutescent: referring to a perennial plant that is woody at the base of the stem and does not die down to ground level in winter. Properly managing suffrutescent plants ensures healthy growth and optimal yields, supporting productive agriculture.
The process of filling and sealing dairy products into containers for distribution and sale, including the design and information provided on packaging. For example, using environmentally friendly packaging for dairy products and ensuring labels comply with regulatory requirements.
nurse crop: a crop grown to give protection to young plants of a perennial crop which is being established. Nurse crops provide shade and act as windbreaks. Growing nurse crops can protect young perennial plants, such as trees or vines, from harsh environmental conditions and promote their establishment. Farmers can benefit from using nurse crops to improve seedling survival rates, enhance soil health, and reduce erosion. Understanding the selection and management of nurse crops helps optimize crop establishment and long-term productivity. Implementing nurse crop practices supports sustainable farming and resource conservation.
breeding cycle: The regular pattern of breeding and reproduction in animals. Understanding breeding cycles helps farmers manage mating, gestation, and birthing schedules.
Manx Loghtan: a rare breed of sheep, which is native to the Isle of Man. The wool is mouse-brown and the animals are multi-horned. Raising Manx Loghtan sheep can provide farmers with a unique and high-value product, particularly for niche markets interested in rare breeds and specialty wool.