Cell: The basic independently functioning unit of all plant and animal tissue. Understanding cell biology aids farmers in managing plant and animal health for optimal productivity.
Mothers and Motherhood in Rural Settings
Carrying Capacity: The maximum number of livestock that can be supported in a given area. Understanding carrying capacity helps farmers manage grazing practices and maintain healthy pasturelands.
Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis (CAE): A disease of goats characterized by swollen joints and pneumonia, spread by contact with saliva and milk. Preventing CAE involves regular testing, culling infected animals, and maintaining biosecurity measures.
Confederation of European Maize Producers: Confederation of European Maize Producers noun an organization representing the interests of European farmers who produce maize. Engaging with the Confederation of European Maize Producers supports advocacy and policy development for maize farmers.
Cottage Piggery: Cottage piggery noun a pig housing with low roofs and an open yard. Utilizing cottage piggeries provides proper housing and management for pigs.