Cochin: Cochin /k?t?in/ noun a breed of domestic fowl originating in China. Raising Cochins provides valuable poultry products and contributes to farm diversity.
Mothers and Motherhood in Rural Settings
Cubed Concentrates: Cubed concentrates plural noun concentrates for livestock in the form of small cubes. Utilizing cubed concentrates enhances feed quality and management for livestock.
Chromosomal: Referring to chromosomes. Understanding chromosomal structures and functions aids farmers in managing plant and animal breeding for optimal productivity.
Clun Forest: A hardy grass hill breed of sheep with fine dense fleece, a dark brown face, and a permanent topknot. Raising Clun Forest sheep provides high-quality wool and meat, contributing to farm productivity and income.
Compost Heap: Compost heap noun a pile of organic, especially plant, waste, usually kept in a container and left to decay gradually, being turned over occasionally. It is used as a fertilizer and soil improver. Managing compost heaps involves regular turning and monitoring to ensure proper decomposition.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health: Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (UK Regulations) noun full form of COSHH. Engaging with COSHH ensures compliance with health and safety regulations for hazardous substances.
Convert: Convert verb to change something to a different system, set of rules, or state How do you convert degrees C into degrees F? Photochemical reactions convert oxygen to ozone. She has converted her car to take LPG. Understanding conversion processes aids in managing resources and adapting to new systems.