January 10, 2025

Emission Standard

emission standard: The amount of an effluent or pollutant that can legally be released into the environment, e.g., the amount of sewage which can be discharged into a river or the sea, or the amount of carbon monoxide that can legally be released into the atmosphere by petrol and diesel engines. Complying with emission standards helps farmers reduce pollution and avoid legal penalties.



excreta: The waste material excreted from the body of an animal, e.g., faeces, urine, droppings, or sweat. Managing excreta helps farmers maintain hygiene and prevent disease spread.



ecosphere: The part of the Earth and its atmosphere where living organisms exist, including parts of the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, and the atmosphere. Also called biosphere. Knowledge of the ecosphere helps farmers adopt practices that protect and sustain the environment.


Export Refunds

export refunds: Refunds made by the EU to farmers to compensate for a lower export price for produce. Accessing export refunds helps farmers manage financial stability and market fluctuations.


Escherichia Coli

Escherichia coli: A Gram-negative bacterium commonly found in faeces and associated with acute gastroenteritis if it enters the digestive systems of humans or animals. Understanding E. coli helps farmers ensure food safety and implement measures to prevent contamination.



ecoparasite: A parasite which is adapted to a specific host. Compare ectoparasite, endoparasite. Understanding ecoparasites helps farmers manage pest control and animal health.



earmarking: The process of identifying an animal by attaching a tag to its ear. Earmarking helps farmers keep track of livestock health, breeding, and management efficiently.



exposed: 1. Referring to something or someone not covered or hidden. 2. Not protected from environmental effects. Left in an exposed position on the hillside. Managing exposure helps farmers protect crops and livestock from environmental stressors.