isinglass: A pure soluble gelatin, used to make alcoholic drinks clear; formerly used to preserve eggs. Helps farmers understand traditional food preservation techniques.
Mothers and Motherhood in Rural Settings
interbreed: To mate and have offspring. To cross animals or plants with different characteristics to produce offspring with distinctive features. Helps farmers manage breeding programs.
intake: 1. An amount of a substance taken into an organism, either eaten or absorbed. A study of food intake among grassland animals. The birds daily intake of insects is more than half its own weight. 2. Hill pasture which has been improved and fenced in. Helps farmers manage animal nutrition and pasture improvement.
International Wheat Council: A group of wheat-exporting countries. Abbr IWC. Helps wheat farmers understand and navigate the international wheat market.
Irish Moiled: A rare breed of medium-sized dual-purpose cattle. The animals have a distinctive white back strip. Helps farmers choose and manage rare cattle breeds.