January 10, 2025

Italian Ryegrass

Italian ryegrass: A short lived ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) which is sown in spring and is very quick to establish. It produces good growth in its seeding year and early graze the following year, and is commonly used for short duration leys. Helps farmers choose suitable grass varieties for grazing.



infectious: Referring to a disease that is caused by microorganisms and can be transmitted to other individuals by direct means. This strain of flu is highly infectious. Compare contagious. Helps farmers understand and prevent the spread of diseases.



indehiscent: Referring to seed pods, fruit or capsules that do not open to release seeds when ripe. Compare dehiscent. Helps farmers manage seed dispersal and crop harvest.



ICRISAT: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics – an organization established in 1972 at Hyderabad, India. Farmers benefit from research on crops suited to semi-arid conditions.