irradiation: The use of rays to kill bacteria in food. Helps farmers understand and apply food irradiation techniques.
Mothers and Motherhood in Rural Settings
irradiation: The use of rays to kill bacteria in food. Helps farmers understand and apply food irradiation techniques.
Italian ryegrass: A short lived ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) which is sown in spring and is very quick to establish. It produces good growth in its seeding year and early graze the following year, and is commonly used for short duration leys. Helps farmers choose suitable grass varieties for grazing.
International Sugar Organization: An international organization formed of sugar-exporting countries. Abbr ISO. Helps sugar farmers understand and navigate the international sugar market.
infectious: Referring to a disease that is caused by microorganisms and can be transmitted to other individuals by direct means. This strain of flu is highly infectious. Compare contagious. Helps farmers understand and prevent the spread of diseases.
International Cocoa Organization: An international organization set up to stabilize the international market in cocoa by holding buffer stocks to offset seasonal differences in production quantities. Abbr ICCO. Supports cocoa farmers’ livelihoods.
indehiscent: Referring to seed pods, fruit or capsules that do not open to release seeds when ripe. Compare dehiscent. Helps farmers manage seed dispersal and crop harvest.
Institute of Food Research: A not-for-profit scientific institute which advises on food safety, diet and health. Abbr IFR. Ensures farmers have access to the latest research on food safety and nutrition.
inorganic pesticide: A pesticide made from inorganic substances such as sulfur. Helps farmers control pests using inorganic pesticides.
Institute for Animal Health: A major center for research into infectious diseases in livestock. Abbr IAH. Helps farmers stay informed about and manage livestock health issues.