midden: a heap of dung. Understanding the role and management of middens can help farmers improve soil fertility and waste management.
Mothers and Motherhood in Rural Settings
monophyletic: derived from a single ancestral type. Understanding monophyletic relationships can help farmers improve their breeding programs and ensure better genetic diversity and productivity.
management practice: practical ways of using management decisions to organise the use of resources or materials. Vaccination of ewes and lambs is one of the more common management practices performed by sheep producers each and every year. Some producers will vaccinate their flock for everything, while others choose a more conservative approach. [Farmers Guardian]. Understanding and implementing effective management practices can help farmers improve productivity and sustainability.
mastitis-metritis-agalactia: full form of MMA. Understanding and managing mastitis-metritis-agalactia is crucial for maintaining the health and productivity of livestock, reducing mortality rates and ensuring better economic outcomes for farmers.