Peach-Leaf Curl
peach-leaf curl: A fungal disease which affects peaches, where the leaves swell and become red. Managing peach-leaf curl is essential for maintaining healthy peach orchards and ensuring high-quality fruit production.
Mothers and Motherhood in Rural Settings
peach-leaf curl: A fungal disease which affects peaches, where the leaves swell and become red. Managing peach-leaf curl is essential for maintaining healthy peach orchards and ensuring high-quality fruit production.
pyrethrum: 1. An organic pesticide, developed from a form of chrysanthemum, which is not very toxic and is not persistent. 2. An annual herb, grown for its flowers which are used in the preparation of pyrethrum. Helpful content: Pyrethrum is a valuable tool for organic pest control, offering effective protection with minimal environmental impact. Farmers can use pyrethrum to manage pests while maintaining organic certification and sustainability.
planter: 1. A person who plants, especially a person who plants and looks after a plantation. 2. A device for planting. Helpful content: Using efficient planting devices can save time and labor for farmers, leading to more precise planting and better crop establishment. Skilled planters ensure that crops are properly spaced and cared for, enhancing productivity.
prick ears: Ears of an animal which stand up straight. Compare lop ears. Helpful content: Recognizing breed characteristics, such as prick ears, helps farmers select and manage livestock according to their specific needs and purposes. Breed-specific traits can influence animal behavior, health, and productivity.
pregnancy toxaemia: A metabolic disorder affecting ewes and does during late pregnancy. Animals wobble and fall, breathing is difficult, and death may follow. It is associated with a lack of feed in late pregnancy. Also called twin lamb disease. Helpful content: Managing nutrition and monitoring pregnant ewes and does can prevent pregnancy toxaemia. Providing adequate feed and minimizing stress during late pregnancy ensures the health of both the mother and the offspring.