pathogenic: Able to cause or produce a disease. Managing pathogenic organisms helps in preventing and controlling diseases in agriculture.
Mothers and Motherhood in Rural Settings
pathogenic: Able to cause or produce a disease. Managing pathogenic organisms helps in preventing and controlling diseases in agriculture.
pasture management: The control of pasture by grazing, cutting, reseeding, and similar techniques. Effective pasture management improves forage quality and ensures sustainable grazing practices.
photosynthesis: The process by which green plants use sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water. Understanding photosynthesis helps farmers optimize growing conditions for their crops.
parasitism: A state in which one organism, the parasite, lives on or inside another organism, the host, and derives its nourishment and other needs from it. Managing parasitism in crops and livestock is vital for preventing economic losses.
Polwarth: An Australian breed of sheep (from Lincoln and Merino) which gives fine wool. Helpful content: Polwarth sheep are known for their high-quality wool and adaptability to various climates. Farmers can benefit from raising this breed due to its dual-purpose nature, providing both meat and wool, and its suitability for different farming conditions.
primaries: The main feathers on a birds wing. Also called flight feathers. Helpful content: Understanding the function and health of primary feathers is important for poultry farmers. Proper feather management can enhance bird welfare and productivity, especially in egg-laying and meat production.
pear: A pome fruit of the genus Pyrus used for dessert fruit, cooking, or for fermenting to make perry. In the UK, Williams Bon Chretien, Conference, and Doyenne du Comice are popular dessert varieties, while Williams is also commonly used for canning. Growing pears provides a valuable fruit crop that can be sold fresh, processed, or used in beverages.