Raspberry Beetle
raspberry beetle: A serious pest (Byturus tomentosus) whose larvae feed on young raspberry fruit. Managing this pest is essential for farmers to protect raspberry crops and ensure high-quality yields.
Mothers and Motherhood in Rural Settings
raspberry beetle: A serious pest (Byturus tomentosus) whose larvae feed on young raspberry fruit. Managing this pest is essential for farmers to protect raspberry crops and ensure high-quality yields.
Romney: A hardy breed of sheep found in large numbers on Romney Marsh, which has heavy fine-quality long wool fleece. The Romney half-breed has been developed by crossing Romney ewes with North Country Cheviot rams, and has been widely exported. Also called Kent. Raising Romney sheep provides farmers with high-quality wool and meat, supporting diversified farm income.
rectified concentrated grape must: A form of grape sugar produced by distillation from surplus wine, used to add to new wine during chaptalisation. Utilizing surplus grapes in this way provides farmers with an additional revenue stream and improves wine quality.
reversible plough: A plough with left- and right-handed mouldboards, which make it possible to plough up and down the same furrow. Using reversible ploughs improves soil management and reduces erosion.
reclamation: The act of reclaiming land. Land reclamation projects can significantly increase the available agricultural land, supporting greater farm productivity.