January 11, 2025


Shetland: A rare breed of cattle, native to the Shetland Isles. It is medium-sized, black and white, with short legs, short horns and a bulky body. A breed of sheep, native to the Shetland Isles. The colour varies from white, through grey and black to light brown; the ewes are polled and the rams horned; it produces fine soft wool of high quality, used in the Shetland wool industry. A small Shetland ewe yields a fleece 1.5–2 kilos in weight. A breed of pony, used as a riding horse for children. Farmers benefit from raising Shetland breeds for their hardiness and valuable products, including wool, meat, and pony services.



Simmental: A breed of cattle originating in Switzerland, the colour of which is yellowish-brown or red. It is a dual-purpose breed, with a high growth rate potential and good carcass quality. Farmers benefit from raising Simmental cattle for their efficient meat and milk production.


Sandy Soil

sandy soil: Soil containing a high proportion, approximately 50%, of sand particles. Sandy soil feels gritty. These soils drain easily and are naturally low in plant nutrients through leaching. They are often called ‘light’ soils, as they are easy to work and also ‘hungry’ soils since they need fertilizer. Market gardening is particularly well-suited to sandy soils. Farmers benefit from managing sandy soils to improve water retention and nutrient levels for successful crop production.



substratum: a layer of rock beneath the topsoil and subsoil. COMMENT: The plural is substrata. Properly managing substratum ensures soil stability and fertility, supporting productive agriculture.


Snow Mould

snow mould: a fungal pre-emergent blight and root rot of cereals (Micronectriella nivalis). Managing snow mould ensures healthy cereal crops, preventing yield losses and maintaining quality.


Synthetic Hormone

synthetic hormone: a hormone manufactured from synthetic materials. Understanding and using synthetic hormones effectively supports healthy plant and livestock growth, enhancing farm productivity.