Vitamin C
vitamin C: A vitamin which is soluble in water and is found in fresh fruit, especially oranges and lemons, raw vegetables, and liver. Adequate vitamin C intake can improve immune function and overall health in livestock.
Mothers and Motherhood in Rural Settings
virus pneumonia: Enzootic pneumonia. Preventing and managing virus pneumonia in livestock can improve animal health and productivity.
variegation: A phenomenon in some plants where two or more colors occur in patches on the leaves or flowers. Managing variegation can help maintain aesthetic and genetic diversity in crops.
value added: The difference between the cost of the materials purchased to produce a product and the final selling price of the finished product. In agriculture, value-added activities like butchering or milling can increase profitability for farmers.
virus yellows: A disease of sugar beet and mangolds as a result of which the leaves turn yellow and the sugar content is greatly reduced. Managing virus yellows can prevent crop losses and improve sugar yields.
vomiting and wasting disease: A disease of piglets, symptoms of which include vomiting and loss of appetite. Managing this disease can improve piglet health and survival rates.
veterinarian: Same as veterinary surgeon. Consulting a veterinarian can ensure proper animal health care and disease management on the farm.